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Anesthesia Accessories FAQs

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How do I clean the sliding top induction chambers?

Disinfectant cleaner and deodorizer concentrate formulated with AHP® (Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide).

Can I use the oxygen concentrator with my existing vaporizer and other anesthesia equipment?

Yes. The Pureline® Oxygen Concentrator works will all kinds of vaporizers and machines. It comes complete and ready for use.

What is the noise level of the oxygen concentrator?

The Pureline OC4000 runs at 40dBA.

Does the Oxygen Concentrator require regular maintenance?

Yes. There are two filters; a coarse filter and a fine particle filter. Both filters need to be serviced. The coarse filter should be cleaned when visibly dirty. It can be vacuumed off or washed with mild soap and water. Let dry before replacing. The fine particle filter should be replaced annually. The filter can be removed by hand and replaced with a new filter.

What is the warranty for the Oxygen Concentrator?

The oxygen concentrator includes a three year warranty.