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ANZLAA Conference

Rendezvous Hotel | Scarborough, Perth
Booth # 17

The Perth OC are delighted to invite you all to attend the 2019 ANZLAA conference.

ANZLAA is fortunate to be made up of members from a wide range of professions – technicians, vets, facility managers, researchers, commercial sponsors and support staff.  It’s imperative that to reach the goals of ANZLAA there is a collaborative approach to our industry and a need to acknowledge that without the support of each other, these goals will not be achieved.

The 2019 conference theme of ‘We’re All in This Together” highlights how working together benefits not only the animals we care for, but ultimately the general public as well. We encourage attendance and abstract submissions from all aspects of the animal care industry to help us get this important message across. 

Visit Kent Scientific at Booth 17

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